Electronics and controls
Crop cycles can be drastically shortened when growing in a controlled environment.
Nutrient and pH dosers, fans, shades, heaters, and cooling systems simulate the plant's ideal environment. Utilize control panels to monitor and automate these systems 24/7.
Nutrient and pH dosers
The key of successful hydroponic farm is appropriated water !
Don’t miss the automated nutrient and pH doser systems.
Heating system
Every situation nessecitates an accurate heating equipment , according to the type of crops, the type of greenhouse and the geographical location. We study and design your heating system to attain optimal performance for the growth of your crop, while also optimising your energy consumption.
Cooling system
Every situation nessecitates an accurate cooling equipment , according to the type of crops, the type of greenhouse and the geographical location. We study and design your cooling system to attain optimal performance for the growth of your crop, while also optimizing your energy consumption.
Circulation fans
Keep your plants safe from heat during the warm summer months. Greenhouse circulation fans promote uniform temperature throughout your greenhouse. Improve plant production levels and reduce heat stress.
Shade system
A shade system is used to block unwanted solar radiation from turning up the heat inside the greenhouse structure. Also it can help in controlling crop flowering and bolting.
Electrical control panels
Hydroponica offers electrical control panels that are well design specially for your farm needs.